Pippa Davies
Director HCOS Blended Learning Commons
November 19, 2017
Our book clubs have been a huge success at our distributed learning school, Heritage Christian Online School. We serve approximately 3000 students all over the Province of beautiful British Columbia as an independent partially funded K-12 school. Our students learn with the support of an accredited teacher, using the British Columbia mandated curriculum from a Christian perspective.
We are blessed to work with a large special needs group of students who are also included in our book clubs.
Presently we have 5 book club moderators who run book clubs from a guided inquiry approach either using Lit Circles, or STREAM (Science, Technology, Relationship, Engineering, Art and Math) as a framework.
Everything we do in our learning commons comes from our vision of “Encouraging Christian community through discipleship, literacy and innovation”. We believe in high tech with high touch!
Pippa Davies
Director HCS Blended LearningCommons
Heritage Christian Online School
Twitter: @PippaDavies