“We were originally going to ask upper level content area teachers to support our seventh graders to research their areas of interest, but nobody had any extra time or energy
Uncertainty isn’t easy on any of us. But it’s the challenge of digging deep that is part of why this kind of learning has a lasting impact on our students.
Keep on Learning! This is a little late coming- I wanted to add some student data to this post, but it was harder than expected to obtain it. So here
Adapting this unit for use with your students I imagine that as we are upon the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre 1921 and as it is gaining a lot
Thanks for coming back to the blog. In this post we’re continuing with the story of the Middle School Guided Inquiry Design Unit on -Dreamland Burning Tulsa 1921 Massacre. Today,
We just stopped. Culturally responsive teaching requires an empathetic inquiry stance. We’re continuing exploring the GId unit from Shawnee, Oklahoma. (You can read past posts from this month for the
This post was authored by Heather DeSchazer, @mrs_deshazer on Instagram. She is an English Language Arts Teacher at Shawnee Middle School in Shawnee Oklahoma. This was her personal reflection as she
I have learned so000000 much about GID through working with my school librarian. My students and I have had many successes with GID because of our school librarian. And there
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity…” –Dr. Brene Brown, research professor/author Happy Summer! My
In the comments of my first post this week, I explained that the open and immerse primarily take place in the English IV classrooms as students address social issues through
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