I’ve been crunching the numbers and checking out the stats for our year on the blog. The numbers are exciting and we have some celebrations to share! So, I’m here
I took on this challenge of a year long shared blog with no idea of how it would work out, no idea if we’d have enough practitioners to fill the
It is the last day before winter break, and like many of you my brain has been working in overdrive. However, I know that my final post is probably my
As stated in my prior entry, the first unit I taught as a librarian on inquiry was on pop culture. Students and teachers were excited about this unit because pop
Hello from Hampton Roads, Virginia! My name is Patrice (Patty) Lambusta and I am a middle school librarian at Passage Middle School in Newport News. Like many librarians, I am
Yes, Guided Inquiry is a design that you can use with the littlest of kids. The first GID unit we implemented in my building was kindergarten! That being said, there
My name is Kelsey Gourd and I work in Norman Public Schools as an elementary teacher librarian. As you’ve read here before, Norman Public Schools have embraced the Guided Inquiry
Here are multiple perspectives and reflections on what we did. FROM DANA (ELL Teacher): When many students leave their native countries to come to school in Millburn, NJ, there are
Time to plan and meet seems to be the over arching impediment to good collaboration. Our Guided Inquiry Unit happens over the course of the year and the library works
Stories are the fabric of our lives, whether we are reading a story, watching a story, dancing a story, painting a story…stories weave our lives together in ways that bring
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