In the this post, science teacher Courtney Garside describes how the Open and Immerse phases of Guided Inquiry were developed to help students see the science in their everyday lives,
We’re continuing to describe the Boston Latin Science Fair and how GId transformed the design in ways that made a big impact on student learning. Today we’ll be talking about
Today on the blog is Courtney Garside, BLS Science Teacher- talking about how GId provided the roadmap they needed to structure the learning so students would find and stick with
My goal this week on the blog was to share my experiences and thoughts about making time for critical learning experiences in the Open, Immerse, and Explore phases of inquiry
In Monday’s blog post, I asked everyone to dig deep and analyze their own attitudes about time. Today, let’s think about how we present the learning process to our students
“Would your learners come back to your class tomorrow if they didn’t have to?” –Trevor Mackenzie I have a tall order for a Monday morning: we’re being very honest with
Irrational perseverance “You will need a good dose of irrational perseverance to stick to GI” and implement it in your curriculum,” say the authors of Guided Inquiry: Learning in the
Yesterday, I explained how I spent last semester introducing the Guided Inquiry Design model to a cohort of teachers at my high school. Today is all about showing student work
Greetings from South Carolina! My name is Jamie Gregory, and I am a public high school media specialist in the Upstate of SC at James F. Byrnes High School. I
Last post, I talked briefly about the relationship between Design Thinking and GID. Today, I’d like to dig a little deeper into that relationship and look at how these two
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