In the this post, science teacher Courtney Garside describes how the Open and Immerse phases of Guided Inquiry were developed to help students see the science in their everyday lives, to read a wide variety of materials and think about their own interests. Taking this time to wonder, think and investigate, these students found their interests and stuck with them throughout the project.
This is a core principle of Guided Inquiry Design. Students need time in the beginning to think, wonder and investigate a little through exploring some ideas, and interests. They also need some ways to capture their thinking.
Many middle school teacher teams have commented that middle school students need more structures within an inquiry process to support them. Middle School students are still developing their understanding of self as learner and structures to scaffold and support that learning a a tremendous help.
Courtney created a set of resources for all the teachers and students in this team. These are wonderful examples. Courtney was able to apply the principles of the GId Process and strategies to help organize and provide structure for the middle school science fair unit. In these Courtney found an amazing balance with use of note catchers that accomplish the engagement of that phase and capture the original intent of GId. These are a wonderful model for any unit and could be adapted in all kinds of ways. (Each form is offered here in Google doc format. You’ll need to make a copy- please leave Courtney’s attribution on the bottom of the form if you use it, or share it in any way. Credit attributed to GId is also appreciated. Thanks in advance.)
Here Courtney generously shares the templates she created to map what the students were doing for class onto the GId Process. The activities and resources she created with her teammates worked to support students to find their interests over the first week of the project in the Open, Immerse, and Explore phases of Guided Inquiry Design. (See process model to the right.) These are exemplary and paired with teachers who have a deep understanding of the process, work together to guide student learning to exceptional outcomes.
SWBAT explain the components of the science fair project and begin brainstorming ways that scientists follow their interests
SWBAT identify and describe two different branches of science.
Branches of Science Instructions
SWBAT connect their extracurricular interests to science concepts
SWBAT articulate ideas from their mindmaps in Inquiry Circles
SWBAT articulate their science project topic to their peers in order to give and providing feedback in Inquiry Circles
Thank you Courtney for your hard work on these documents and for sharing them with our GId community!
Leslie Maniotes, PhD
Author Guided Inquiry Design