Hi 52_GID Readers! It’s Leslie Maniotes – author of the GID series on the blog this week. EVERYbody is gearing up for their new year and few have time to
In education, especially at the beginning of a school year, new initiatives or pilots of new initiatives are rolled out. It may be a new online grading program, new textbooks, a
One of the things I love most about my job as a middle school librarian is that I get to work with every department and every grade level. I work
Hi! I’m Rachel Grover, the guest blogger for this week, and I’m a middle-school librarian in Fairfax County, Virginia. With just under 200 schools and over 160,000 students, we are
My apologies for loading three posts at once, I am travelling to NZ tomorrow for the IBBY Conference. (International Board of Books for Young People) so I need to finish
In this Blog Post I thought I would share some problems and solutions that I have found – maybe it will be useful for others! Lack of time, always an
A recent example of my Guided Inquiry work has been with a unit for Year 4 students on National Parks in Australia. This subject is close to my own heart
Hello, this is my first blog post on the 52 Week GID Challenge. Thanks for setting it up Leslie, it has made interesting reading! My name is Margo Pickworth and
My professional journey has certainly been one that has traveled down a winding, some would say perilous, path. From a liberal arts degree in theatre to a Masters in Curriculum
Once I experienced the Guided Inquiry Design (GID) process with the National History Day (NHD) project, and witnessed the students’ engagement and excitement for research, I knew I had
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