Explore and Create

Hi, my name is Katina and my partner is Lexi our topic is Space. We chose space because we want to find out what’s beyond our world. During Immersion we

Immersion and Exploration

Our topic (Camden, Logan, Daniel, Matthew) is electricity, we chose electricity because we want to learn more about how it impacts our world. During the Immerse stage, we skimmed some

Guided Inquiry and the Curious Crew of 5th graders.

We are an energetic, and enthusiastic 5th-grade class from Virginia Beach, VA. When I first heard of this challenge, I decided to bring it to my students as I knew

“Get Your Fresh Popcorn!”

“Get Your Fresh Popcorn!” When my colleague, Jenn, and I attended the CISSL workshop a couple of summers ago, we went there knowing there were steps missing in our research/inquiry

Teacher’s Need to “Play”

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -George Bernard Shaw How important is it for children to engage in play? Childhood play

It all begins with a team

  A few weeks ago, my dear friend and partner in crime, Jennifer Danner, beautifully crafted our Guided Inquiry journey. We are a small district about 20 minutes outside Columbus,

So Much Learned, So Much Gained

After the Mesopotamia project, we felt that it was important to reflect upon what we learned from this process. While we have learned much more than what we can possibly

The Great GID Experiment

As mentioned in our last post, our journey into guided inquiry began this year with a unit on Mesopotamia. Social studies was a new subject for Cara, one of our

A New Beginning

Hello from De Pere, WI, a neighbor of Green Bay! Spring is finally here, the snow has melted, and we are renewed and excited about all that we have learned

Taking Steps Back So We Can Move Forward

Happy weekend, friends! This post brings to a close the discussion of our Norman Public Schools Guided Inquiry unit for 5th grade science. Coincidentally, yesterday was our third planning meeting,