Questioning Questioner Questions

Hello, GIDers! I’m Kelsey Barker, and I am the Teacher Librarian at Longfellow Middle School in Norman, Oklahoma. I have blogged for 52 Weeks of GID before (here and here),

Guided Inquiry and Our I Tech Initiative

by Cindy Castell   Norman Public Schools is experiencing a year of great change.  From the previous sentence, I would like to emphasize the word GREAT.  Change is happening in

Training to Be a Guided Inquiry Trainer

by Cindy Castell     So as I mentioned in my first post this week, I feel very fortunate to be one of the first 8 people trained to be

Movers and Shakers — Being a Guided Inquiry Trainer

Hello from Whittier Middle School in Norman, Oklahoma.  My name is Cindy Castell, and I have been at Whittier for the past 25 years.  I am currently in a brand

What now? Would we do it again?

After our GI unit, we had time to reflect. I used the last entry of the student journal to get student feedback about the GI unit. Since it was new

How does GI look in Math?

In the last post, I told you all about the beginning stages, learning about Guided Inquiry, pushing our minds to grasp how it could work in the math classroom, and

Guided Inquiry in a High Math Classroom? Really?

Yes, it can be done. We took Guided Inquiry and worked it into the math classroom. But why does everyone seem baffled at the the thought of a math teacher

Living Guided Inquiry

Teresa Lansford, Lincoln Elementary, Norman OK Since our staff started the year with the understanding that the Guided Inquiry Process was the way we were going to structure our learning

A Culture of GId

Teresa Lansford, Lincoln Elementary, Norman OK Before I had even had a chance to do much with my staff in regards to Guided Inquiry, our principal planning experiences to introduce

Lincoln Elementary Does GId

Welcome fellow designers! I am Teresa Lansford, teacher-librarian at Lincoln Elementary School in Norman, OK. I am about to embark on my 6th year as a school librarian and my