Gr.6 Science Inquiry – The Universe

Good day! Let’s start by introducing ourselves: our names are Brian Shin and Michael Alford. We are gr.6 science teachers at St. George’s Junior School in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Facing the Reality of Drugs and Depression through GID

For my last blog this week, I would like to discuss the importance of student engagement and reflection in the GID process.  In previous blogs, I have also touched upon

The Importance of Librarians with GID:  A classroom teacher’s testimony
The Importance of Librarians with GID: A classroom teacher’s testimony

I have learned so000000 much about GID  through working with my school librarian.  My students and I have had many successes with GID because of our school librarian.  And there

Vulnerability in GID

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity.  It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity…” –Dr. Brene Brown, research professor/author Happy Summer!  My

Why It’s Important to Fail and Celebrate

Luke here again. So: my GID process was a bit bumpy— expected for a first timer. I was energized enough afterwards to try two other library projects before the end

Tripping Over Poetry

It’s Luke Steere again. In preparation for my GID, I turned to Maniotes (2017) in Guided Inquiry Design in Action: High School, who writes that offering a book full of

Guided, flailing Inquiry

I am Luke Steere, and honored to be a guest blogger for 52GID. After getting over the sheer terror of accidentally telling students to “immerse in databases” during the Explore

Gen Z and GID

In the last couple of years, some of my teacher-friends have made comments like: “I’m having a hard time reaching this group this year;” “All my usual tricks aren’t working;”

Exploring Methods: Trial and Error

In the comments of my first post this week, I explained that the open and immerse primarily take place in the English IV classrooms as students address social issues through

Bridging GID from Middle to High School

Hello, my name is Christie Gudowski, and I serve as the school librarian at Ronald Reagan High School in San Antonio, Texas. Reagan enrolls approximately 3,600 students in a suburb