Adapting this unit for use with your students I imagine that as we are upon the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre 1921 and as it is gaining a lot
Thanks for coming back to the blog. In this post we’re continuing with the story of the Middle School Guided Inquiry Design Unit on -Dreamland Burning Tulsa 1921 Massacre. Today,
We just stopped. Culturally responsive teaching requires an empathetic inquiry stance. We’re continuing exploring the GId unit from Shawnee, Oklahoma. (You can read past posts from this month for the
This post was authored by Heather DeSchazer, @mrs_deshazer on Instagram. She is an English Language Arts Teacher at Shawnee Middle School in Shawnee Oklahoma. This was her personal reflection as she
Today, we’re continuing the journey with a middle school team who is studying the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 with their students. I’ll be telling the story of some brave
My goal this week on the blog was to share my experiences and thoughts about making time for critical learning experiences in the Open, Immerse, and Explore phases of inquiry
“Would your learners come back to your class tomorrow if they didn’t have to?” –Trevor Mackenzie I have a tall order for a Monday morning: we’re being very honest with
As my last post, I’d like to share some collaboration between myself and another English teacher, Michael Jett. Michael requires all of his English students to read at least one
Greetings from South Carolina! My name is Jamie Gregory, and I am a public high school media specialist in the Upstate of SC at James F. Byrnes High School. I
Today, I’m going to try to explain the current GI unit that my students are wrapping up. This year was my first year teaching English 11 and, therefore, my first
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